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MySpace bulliten from ANA FREE!

YouTube star Ana Free who goes by the username Anafree on youtube posted the following message on MySpace!

ouuuu!! hey guys!!

How is everything going? I'm updating finally, i have some time.. some of you have been writing me msgs, and today though I should be studying, I am finding time to sort through as much fanmail as I possibly can.. hehe.. Uni is going well, coming to the end of term now in a couple of weeks, back to PT soon.. where I will finally see Mia again, it's been so long, she's so busy all the time!! See my family, Christmas..

Christmas always gets me down.. I hope this year is different, but it does, I just never seem to get along with this time of year., Maybe its cuz I'm older now, moved on from the childhood perspective.. My father once told me Xmas gets boring and then gets fun again once you have kids.. Which isn't happening any time soon so I'm going to have to just stick around at home, see friends, study (i really have to try this xmas)..!

Lets see, music business, that's what you all wanna probs know about!.. Well.. I'm going to get a new myspace up and running.. I feel my current one may not be serving me to its full potential.. so, that's being made by some awesome individuals in NY.. Hopefully it'll be up soon.. also, im working hard to gather stuff for the making of my official anafree site but that'll def take longer than the myspace stuff..

When I go back to PT, I will be on a couply of Portuguese radio shows, and I will def try and let you know so u all can tune in.. Antena 3 I will def be doing a live 25 min show for them and that should be just as we've entered 2008.. and that will be live both on radio and I think also via internet broadcast (webcam),, in studio I think I'll be singing 4 originals and 1 cover, (of my choice i guess).. that's just one exciting thing..

Sometimes I feel frustrated that there is so much start-up stuff to do in music, so many things to gather, photos, and u have to shoot the photos then get them back and possibly edit and all this crap in between which you need to do but at the same time seem to have no time for.. it can be annoying to be stuck between two lives and sometimes I wonder whether I rushed into all of this.. I think if I just hold out a little longer I'll be better cuz it's the end of the Autumn Term, then I've only got the Spring term left.. I've been thinking about where I'm gonna live next year.. I don't think I'll be going back to PT, that's not the best starting point I could have for my goals.. I know it'll take years (it does for every artist) to make a break somewhere and do something really really fantastic but I've come this far, I'm pretty much going to play this game as strategically possible and make sure I don't slip from the path or goals I have.. I have the right people with me at the moment in my team, I've got my music and my ability to write, and most of all, I've got you guys and that's what makes the cake chocolate.. (k i just made that up but it made sense in my head!!:P).. Anywayssss.. I'm ranting!

Just was dropping in to check how stuff is.. Also, check out, you can find some new photos of me there and info, I'll be putting an interview there soonish.. going down into the studio this afternoon, working on 'It's Time' at the moment.. :)

Missed you all and hope you are doing well.. smiles all round please!!

Take care!

Big kiss, beijinho enorme pessoal!




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