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Jessica Biel's first MySpace blog!

Actress & Girlfriend to Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel has finally started to blog on MySpace! Here is what her first bog says:

“Okay, so I’m sitting in my trailer between set-ups and I am praying for a surge of inspiration to make my first blogging experience a positive one.

I definitely did not make it onto the debate team in high school so I’m feeling extremely insecure about communicating publicly for the first time via the blogosphere (how about that word for a novice?). I’m still getting the lingo down. I have been “internet challenged” long enough and am thrilled to join the tech revolution! Plus, I only have four friends and am in dire need of more. Just kidding, I have six.

Anyway, not only do I feel cooler being an official blogger, but I’m also realizing that this is a perfect place to share some projects that I’m working on that I’m really excited about. I’m trying on the producer cap with my friend, Michelle, with our production company Iron Ocean Films. We made a thirty minute short last year, called Hole in the Paper Sky about a man’s experience after meeting a dog that changes his life. I think it’s a really evocative, beautiful film, and it has won an award at all four festivals where it has screened. I’ll put up a trailer as soon as I can figure out how to do that:) I hope that animal lovers will be moved by this film as well because it has an animal rights element to it, which I’m a huge advocate for. I’m actually sitting here with my dog, Tina. She’s not really into blogging.

We also have a feature in development with United Artists, called Die A Little based on a book by Meagan Abbott. It’s a noir set in Hollywood during the glamorous 1950’s. I loved the book and I think it has major cinematic potential, but I’m getting a firsthand look at how difficult development is. Hopefully, I won’t be too old by the time we shoot this thing so I can play the main character. Fingers crossed.

Also, considering the state of the world right now, I’ve been discovering some really amazing nonprofit organizations that are giving back to the planet and the people in wonderful and innovative ways. I’m going to try to highlight one that I’m really interested in every month. To find out more information on how to donate, check out MTDN is the business that my family created to provide support for non profits.

Okay, that’s it for now. I’m headed back to set. Hopefully this was a successful first try and I’ll catch ya on the flip side!!”

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