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New Cassie & Diddy blogs

Cassie just posted this bulliten on MySpace a few minutes ago! She also posted a new v-log Diddy posted on YouTube a few hours ago. Check it out.


Here's a pic of me last weekend at the beach in CT:

ok so I know I was supposed to come with pics and stuff, I'm wack, lol. Actually, I'm focused on this album. I'm back in ATL now finding myself, haha. It's hot, the music I mean.... been wanting to blog from the studio, but I'm too tempted to give a preview. On Saturday morning, I'm going to fly back to CT for my cousins' wedding, very excited about that :) Anyway, while I adjust my life to give you acceptable content, here's a new video blog from Diddy.

I like what he's saying, real talk:



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