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ACDC: the Battle is over, but the WAR is not...

Here is what 'Step up 2 the streets' director Jon Chu says in the video discription,

ACDC and Invisible Children have been paired up from the beginning to help raise awareness and money for the forgotten kids of Northern Uganda. So far, through the ACDC TShirt sales, we have made over $50,000 dollars for the charity. Now it's Miley and Mandy's turn!

We CHALLENGE Miley and Mandy to put their M&M Cru tshirts on sale online and throw 100% of the profits to whatever charity they choose.

We believe dance can change the world. And since this battle has begun, and the tshirts started to sell, we have been. More kids are getting educated, more kids have books, dorms, clean water because of YOU guys and girls!! Thank you for all your support.

The battle is over, but the war wages on.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for ACDC updates....

visit to get tShirts and learn more...

and SUBSCRIBE to CHU PICTURES to stay in touch with the ACDC videos!!



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