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This is competly crazy! The woman who predicted so much stuff last year what would happen this year like:

Sarah Palin would write a tell-all book, the split between Avril Lavigne and her husband, Jennifer Hudson would win a Grammy, that Kate Winslett would be nominated for an Oscar, and the Late Heath Ledger would also be nominated for an Oscar. Nikki predicted the plane crash over the Hudson River in New York City, the Monorail accident at Disneyworld Florida, Robin Williams' health problems as well as she predicted the passing of Ted Kenney, Unice Schriver, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze and Michael Jackson.

Nikki has posted her list of things she predict for 2010 and its pretty scary. She predicts

Danger around President Barack Obama. Assassination attempt against President Barack Obama. Assassination of Barack Obama.

She also predicts Shakira will need to be careful of planes and mentions her name again in the death and health section! Diddy will need to be careful of a shooting, a terrorist attack in LA and planes will be hijacked... she predicted so much!

Checkout her full list


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