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Alesha Dixon named face of 'LA Fitness'

Brittish singer / tv star Alesha Dixon has just signed a 4 year contract with health club 'LA Fitness',

Aswell as working with LA Fitness, Alesha will have new music coming out next year aswell as setting up her own production company.

When interviewed by Evening Standard Alesha said:

I hope to make fitness videos for the gyms and invent work-out plans with my choreographer. In the entertainment industry, I know people come and go, so I want to make smart choices and think beyond the industry for the long term. As well as the LA Fitness job, I'm setting up my own production company and have a new album coming out next year. I'd love to be the British Oprah, with loads of different work and a TV chat show.

Alesha also said that working with LA Fitness wont affect her judging role on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.


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