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Leona Lewis to tour with Kanye West?

Leona's offical website say that Leona is currently in meetings at the moment to discuss going on tour with Kanye West around America to kick start her music career worldwide!

Hope they go ahead with it! Sean Kingston wants to do something special with Leona too for America! Everyone dose now!

'Bleeding Love' is currently no.1 now for the last 5 week's in the UK and Ireland! 'A moment like this' what she released last December is back on the top 100 charts this week! her album 'Spirit' is no.1 now for the second week!

Leona has sold over 2 million copys so far in the last 11 months and she was gone for 9 months! not bad! she already out sold girls aloud and they released over 19 cds so far!


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