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Rhydian for

Hopefully this time next week Rhydian will be the X-Factor winner!
Hes so wierd and like i dunno!! he rocks! and that voice!! woo!
Here is what a few people said about him!

rhydian is unreal.. a true talent.. the best singer xfactor has eva found.. he will go far.. singing is natural to him.. a legend in the making and will be around for a long rhydian

rhydian is 2 good he doesnt need 2 win he'l hav a huge career no matter who wins but leon or SD do need 2 win 4 a big career i dont mind who wins tho iv got my top3 in the final so its all good

Rhydian is fantastic and has to win! But i think the wrong person will win. Too many people like Leon because he has improved so much- and because he's the nervous little 18 year old. And SD have all the kids wasting all their credit voting for them. Rhydian is still head and shoulders above them.


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