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Message from Ana Free

Hi everybody|

How is everything going? I know I haven't actually Bulletinned (that's not a word, I know) here for ages, I've been doing the Blog at more frequently.. I'm just here to say hey and what's up.. I'm home, had class this morning, yesterday I went over to Blake's to talk about music and the future plans which all sound pretty exciting.. debut album is still being recorded (I'm sorry but solid studio time is quite hard to come by in the final semester..) Still.. My mother called me the other day and told me I was in a Portuguese newpaper.. It's odd when you get documented or talked about and it all passes you by, I'm used to knowing when those things come out etc.. But I will scan it and put it on the sites..

In the very near future (I hope..) there will be an official anafree website.. For those of you who want to get in touch, I've got a mainstream E-mail now.. (you can write to me here..)

and for anything business related

and well, the other myspace is coming along, and I'm slowly building up the foundations of what I hope is a good experience for me in life.. I'm hoping everyone is just fine, Expect a YouTube vid on Thursday.. Big kiss, keep me updated on life!!




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