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~ Michelle Williams 'We break the Dawn' is #1

Checkout what a very excited Michelle has to say in her blog after finding out her new single 'We break the dawn' has hit #1 in the charts!

Number One!!!!

Hey family!!!

I'm gonna get right down to it!!!

WE BREAK THE DAWN is 1 on Billboard Dance Radio Chart.

I knew that with the love and support from you guys that this would happen!! I'm gonna celebrate a tiny bit bcuz this is the first 1 song for me. I've had a number one album in the past but never an actual song. I say I'll celebrate a tiny bit bcuz I still have a long way to go in conquering the other charts!!!

I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!! This is so awesome!!!

Also thank you to those who've been requesting the song at radio and video!!

You know that I love you and am looking forward to the next few months to come.

Let's continue on with this great Michelle Williams 2008 campaign! If you're not on the campaign, feel free join us!! Remember WE DON'T STOP UNTIL WE WIN!!! Even after we've won we gotta stay on the grind!! IF YOU DON'T GRIND.....YOU WON'T SHINE!! (that was my Rev Jesse Jackson moment for ya!!)

August 12th is almost heeeeeerrrrrrrreeee!!!

Don't forget about the contests.......the WBTD dance contest and the look a like contest.

The entries so far with the dance contest are quite interesting to say the least!

I'll sign off right about now!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!


God bless
Mechelle My Belle


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