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Ryan Leslie - "How It Was Supposed To Be" (Music Video)

The video just debuted on his YouTube channel today, This song is really cool!

Heres a message Ryan wrote on the video discription:

"How It Was Supposed To Be" is one of the most personal songs on my album and for my live performances, I arranged this guitar driven version to capture the angst and confusion that I was going through when I recorded it. The response was so crazy at my show in Chicago that we played the song twice in a row to an engaged, enthusiastic audience.

Based on this reaction, I decided to record this version and have Guillaume Doubet visually interpret it. Here is the gritty result with Brent Paschke on guitar, Eric Coomes on bass, and Brad Coltin on drums.

Feel free to call me on 917-720-7507 to let me know your thoughts (international? - visit for my overseas numbers).


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